Medieval living where magic is in the air…

Villages of Occitania

Towers and roofs that survived centuries

Villages of LaTrape, Latour and

wpid-IMG_0034-2013-03-17-14-10.JPG Montesquieu Volvester and views to the Pirinee mountains…

IMG_0035An amazing weekend day dreaming and embracing the Villages where the Magic of Medieval Living can be rescued.


Entrando num mundo de Magia dos tempos Medievais resgatando lindamente

Scenes like this ... are all over the placePaisagens assim por toda a parte

Scenes like this … are all over the place
Paisagens assim por toda a parte

I have no words to describe to you guys how relaxing is just crossing the little bridges …

IMG_0139atravessar estas pontes e indescritivel mas muito relaxante
and admiring all the views.

IMG_0168A arquitetura desta parte da Franca e chamada Rose Architecture pelos seus tijolos rosas bem diferentes do resto da Franca.

IMG_0051from one village to another. Uma village apos a outra 


getting better and better

getting better and better

In the short distance you can see the Pyrenees Mountains, still covered of snow. Our french friend Valerie Many drove us through many little village. 


In The Villages of Latour, LaTrape, we can see how people appreciate nature and buy fresh flowers to colour their windows.

A igreja de Latrape tocando o sino lindamente para todos ouvirem que ainda bate.

Church bells ringing and gratitude for those that built them...the Occitan People

Church bells ringing and gratitude for those that built them…the Occitan People

O Balcao das estrelas lembra a magia de um ceu estrelado
Star Stand is a reminder of a sky full of stars to be admired

IMG_0058The Sky changes and become purple and the crowds design patterns

O lampiao ainda ilumina as villages tal como antigamente

Mais casinhas de tijolo com janelas coloridas convidando a tirar fotos.

Houses now refurbished and making a nice home

Houses now refurbished and making a nice home

Caminhar nestas ruelas e vilarejos e admirar tudo com tempo para nada passar despercebido e um presente de Deus mesmo porque em cada caminho descobrimos coisas nossas que ficam ressaltando e dando pinotes de alegria.
E a primavera ja esta aqui..

skitch_iphoto.export.skitchGostamos de visitar os cimiterios porque la tem muita historia de familias

A tranquilidade de saber que podem colocar flores para embunitar (palavra nordestina) a casinha dos que ajudaram a fazer este mundo mais bonito

All those engraved family names in marbleOs nomes de familia gravados em marmore

All those engraved family names in marble
Os nomes de familia gravados em marmore

E encontramos a Familia Calma …we found the Calm Familly

And then here come the Bikers enjoying this beautiful scenery
E apareceram os ciclistas admirando e curtindo a paisagem

bikers everywhere enjoying the scenery

bikers everywhere enjoying the sceneryE enquanto paravam aproveitei para tirar fotos. Latrape and Latour e o paraiso dos ciclistas.

See you soon with pictures of Rieux Volvester and other little villages through the back roads of France.
Mais fotos a seguir pelas Villages de France.

About Lukie Gooda

Travelling Europe
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